Using Finale Software: Getting Started

Category: Guide

Finale is a useful software that supports the users to compose their own music on the computer. This section will show you the way to get started using Finale software.

Using Finale with a piano keyboard: Speedy entry

The music library possesses two computers with complete piano keyboards and some mini-keyboard that you could try for 3 hours to apply with your own computer. These keyboards link with Finale utilizing Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI)

Meanwhile, you could utilize the MIDI keyboard for easy entry; it is even more beneficial for Speedy entry. In Speed entry, you locate one hand on the piano keyboard and the other one on the number keypad. Once you hit on the wanted notes, you hit on the respective duration, where:

  • 2=32nd note, 3=16th notes, 4=8th notes, 5=4th notes, 6=2nd note, and 7= total note.
  • For dotted worth, hit the “.” key to insert the dot
  • To insert an accidental, hit “+” for sharps and “-“ for flats
  • For lefts, you easily need to hit the respective number

Also, you could utilize the Speed entry without a MIDI keyboard by hitting on a method and next hitting the arrow keys to displace the note up or down. Whilst it consumes some practice at the beginning, Speed entry is quicker to utilize than simple entry.

Note: Remember to toggle ON the MIDI keyboard. The switch is located behind the keyboard on the left side.

Finale Setup Wizard

Utilize Finale’s Setup Wizard (Under File/New/Document with Setup Wizard) to make your music file. In the Wizard, you could appoint the composer, copyright, time signature, tempo marking, title, pick-up note, key, and instrumentation, if possible.

Basic Tools

If you move your cursor over the boxes with icons (called engines) at the peak of the screen, Finale will show the name of the tools. Here’s a tutorial of some of Finale’s underlying engines:

  • Staff: Insert some staves, vary how staves are labeled, or replace space between staves
  • Key Signature: Vary main signatures, even the middle measure
  • Clef: Vary clefs (to vary a clef for the whole piece, utilize the Staff engine)
  • Smart Shape: Make and adjust slurs, “hairpin” dynamics, pedal ticks, and long trill.
  • Measure: Vary barline sorts, adjust measure numbering
  • Articulation: Tick notes with marcato, legato, staccato, etc.
  • Expression: Hit on notes and measures to insert tempo markings, dynamics, etc.
  • Page Layout: Vary the size of staff systems, displace staff systems around
  • Lyric: Insert lyric to your masterpiece. s
  • Tuplet: Create an odd division of the beat
  • Chord: Add more chord symbols into your work. The jazz font scores get the best chord symbol categories.

Note: Finale also supports you to print or save after composing.


Getting started using Finale is just a simple process. We all hope these are quite useful for you. If possible, please add a comment and share it with your friends.
